August 5, 2024
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Summer Reading List 2023 | J.P. Morgan Private Bank

Hi, I’m Gloria Chang Yip. Head of Asian Wealth Initiatives for JP Morgan Private Pink. And I’m here today to tell you about a special book I’ve been reading with my children. It’s called Amazing Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders Who Inspire Us All.

This book was so special to myself and my family. It was written by Olympic gold medalist Maya and Alex Shani because they felt compelled to share inspiring stories from Asian-American and Pacific Islander history. And this really talks about 36 men and women whose triumphs illuminated the world. Uh, they include everything from America’s early history to a range of abilities, identities, and races, and their stories of origin across social and civil rights. Um, people who made their dreams come true and prevailed against all odds.

You know, when I was a child, I loved reading so much so that I would hide under the covers in my bed and read with a flashlight. And I’ve now rediscovered that my love of reading again through the eyes of my children. So every night we have a bedtime ritual where they pick a book and we sit down and we read it together. And I think it’s so important to use books in their early lives, uh, because books are a form of connection, a window to the world….

I have a eight-year-old son and a six-year-old daughter and we sat together and read this for bedtime reading earlier this week. And of the 36 characters, I asked them each to pick their favorite. My daughter Celine picked Dr. Mabel Lee. Mabel Lee. Actually in 1912, despite being only 16 years old, she led 10,000 people to march through the streets of New York City. And it was one of the largest protests from women’s suffrage. She helped lead the pack and even though immigrants like her being Chinese were not allowed to vote, she still fought for the cause. Believing that voting for good leaders would open doors for more women. In the end, she ended up devoting her life to education and civil rights. This really inspired my daughter to believe that even at a young age she could make an impact and a difference in the world.

My son, who is eight this year started surfing and so of course he picked Duke Kahan Moku as his idol…

a native Hawaiian who was known for being a three time Olympic swim champion, but also had petitioned the Olympic Committee in the early 19 hundreds to have surfing included as part of the Olympic sports. Carissa Moore in her debut, um, in the 2020 Olympics actually won a gold medal, uh, for surfing and made his dream come true 70 years later.

Read books together. Books can serve as the catalyst for connections, learning, and curiosity from a young age.





Text, J.P. Morgan Private Bank. Gloria Chang Yip, Head of Asian Wealth Initiatives, J.P. Morgan Private Bank. Grace is seated next to a small table with a picture book standing upright on it. The cover shows portraits of several Asian Americans.


Hi, I’m Gloria Chang Yip, head of Asian Wealth Initiatives for JP Morgan Private Bank. And I’m here today to tell you about a special book I’ve been reading with my children. It’s called Amazing Asian Americans And Pacific Islanders Who Inspire Us All.


Cover text: Written by Olympic Medalists Maia and Alex Shibutani and Dane Liu. Illustrated by Aaliya Jaleel. Grace picks up the book.


This book was so special to myself and my family. It was written by Olympic gold medalist, Maia and Alex Shibutani because they felt compelled to share inspiring stories from Asian-American and Pacific Islander history. And this really talks about 36 men and women whose triumphs illuminated the world.


She pages through the book as the camera shows the illustrations, first showing Dr. Mabel Ping-Hua Lee holding up a sign that reads, Votes for Women.


They include everything from America’s early history to a range of abilities, identities, and races, and their stories of origin across social and civil rights, people who made their dreams come true and prevailed against all odds.


Other pages show Bruce Lee, Victoria and Manalo Draves and Dr. Sammy Lee diving in the water, Alice Wong with a breathing tube over her nose, Tammy Duckworth and Kamala Harris.


When I was a child, I loved reading, so much so that I would hide under the covers in my bed and read with a flashlight.

And I’ve now rediscovered that my love of reading, again, through the eyes of my children. So every night, we have a bedtime ritual, where they pick a book, and we sit down. And we read it together.

And I think it’s so important to use books in their early lives because books are a form of connection, a window to the world. Well, I have an eight-year-old son and a six-year-old daughter.

And we sat together, and read this for bedtime reading earlier this week. And of the 36 characters, I asked them each to pick their favorite. My daughter Celine picked Dr. Mabel Lee.


She turns back to the Mabel Ping-Hua Lee page.


Mabel Lee, actually in 1912, despite being only 16 years old, she led 10,000 people to March through the streets of New York City. And it was one of the largest protests for women’s suffrage. She helped lead the pack.

And even though immigrants like her being Chinese were not allowed to vote, she still fought for the cause, believing that voting for good leaders would open doors for more women. In the end, she ended up devoting her life to education and civil rights.

This really inspired my daughter to believe that, even at a young age, she could make an impact in a difference in the world.


She turns to the page with the heading, Duke Kahanamoku and Carissa Moore, showing illustrations of Duke surfing and of Carissa holding up a surfboard with the American flag on it and wearing a medal around her neck.


My son, who is eight, this year started surfing. And so, of course, he picked Duke Kahanamoku as his idol, a native Hawaiian who was known for being a three time Olympic swim champion, but also had petitioned the Olympic Committee in the early 1900s to have surfing included as part of the Olympic sports.

Carissa Moore in her debut in the 2020 Olympics actually won a gold medal for surfing and made his dream come true 70 years later. Read books together. Books can serve as the catalyst for connections, learning, and curiosity from a young age.



Text, J.P. Morgan Summer Reading List 2023. Hashtag SRL 2023. Logos: Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter.


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