August 5, 2024
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The Good, Bad, And Ugly From Supercomputing ‘23, Or Nearby

This year’s event was as much about AI as it was about HPC. The only booths not talking about AI were, well, nobody. Everyone was touting the miracles of AI, from CPUs to accelerators to system companies to networking vendors to storage to clouds to water cooling systems to the U.S. DOE and DOD. And then there’s BOD Cartoons.

Supercomputing’23 in Denver is a wrap, with some extracurricular activities thanks to Microsoft and Here’s a summary of the good, the bad, and the ugly.

The Good

Nvidia was everywhere and nowhere

The traditional big green booth was absent at SC’23. They didn’t need their booth because practically every system vendor displayed an H100-based server.

Nvidia did make a few announcements, of course. Most impressive was Europe’s first Exaflop beast at the Julich Supercomputing Centre in Germany, which the company touts will be the world’s fastest AI system. “Jupiter” is the first system to employ the Grace Hopper 200 (GH200) with additional HBM capacity and bandwidth. Based on Eviden’s BullSequana XH3000 liquid-cooled architecture, the supercomputer includes a “booster module” comprising nearly 24,000 Nvidia GH200 Superchips interconnected with the Nvidia Quantum-2 InfiniBand networking platform. The system also includes a “cCuster Module” equipped with new European ARM CPUs from SiPearl, supplied by the German company ParTec. SiPearl promises a huge memory data rate of 0.5 bytes per flop with its Rhea CPU, which is almost five times as much as a GPU, offering high efficiency for complex, data-intensive applications.

Nvidia also announced (at Microsoft Ignite) the AI Foundry Services on Azure, with foundation models and Enterprise AI software suite now available on Microsoft Azure. SAP, Amdocs and Getty Images were among the first companies to build custom LLMs and deploy those models with the Enterprise AI software.

Cerebras keeps gaining momentum, with G42 at its side

As a follower of Cambrian-AI, you know that we are very high on Cerebras Systems, and have been since they came out of stealth. They remain among the few companies with a long-term differentiator against the Green Tide.

I had a few minutes with CEO Andrew Feldman at the show, and he remains typically enthusiastic, especially since Cerebras is the only AI hardware startup with hundreds of millions in revenue. In addition to UAE-based G42, Cerebras counts Glaxo-Smith-Klein, Total, AstraZeneca, Argonne National Labs, EPCC, Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center, nference, National Energy Technology Laboratory, Leibnitz Supercomputing Center, NCSA, Lawrence Livermore National Labs, and a major un-named financial services organization.

AMD is on the cusp of announcing MI300, but MS Maia may steal the show

But you couldn’t tell it wasn’t yet available from walking around the show floor. Microsoft, HPE Cray and others talked about the upcoming MI300 family. I won’t spoil the news, which will come out December 6, but in booths and at MS Ignite, it was front and center with tremendous anticipation.

Micron Technologies: A better HBM Mousetrap?

Micron, the only remaining US-based memory company, was showing off their version of HBM3e, which they say has more memory bandwidth and capacity than their Korean competitors, Samsung and SK Hynix. Speaking with company representatives, I get the impression that someone huge is lining up to place orders. See our assessment here.

Microsoft Maia: Can SRAM make up the HBM deficit?

Also at Ignite, which ran concurrently with Supercomputing 23, Satya Nadella announced the in-house Maia we covered on Forbes last week. Looks like a good start, but I am surprised by the small amount of HBM. Surely they got the memo that GPT4 needs a ton of fast memory, right? I’m pretty certain they will fix this soon, but AMD and Nvidia are not standing still. Maia 100 has only 64 GB HBM but a ton of SRAM. Benchmarks, please? My guess is that the Microsoft designers know more about how LLMs will perform with that mix of memory than I do.

Groq and Samba Nova find their groove.

Large Language Models’ emergence, or explosion, gave two of the most prominent startups, Groq Inc. and SambaNova Systems, a reason to brag. These two unicorns have been working on their next-generation silicon, and their booths were pretty jammed with interested scientists wanting access. Since both startups have adopted an AI-as-a-service business model, they can accommodate interested data scientists without installing the massive hardware on-prem. Frankly, I had been pretty skeptical of both companies until I saw their demos and talked with company leadership at SC’23.

Groq Inc. demonstrated the world’s fastest inference performance for Llama 2 70B – a competitor to GPT-3. To celebrate their record-breaking performance, Groq brought a cute and cuddly llama named Bunny to the SC23 event in front of the convention center. The company’s demo was nothing short of amazing, demonstrating what looked to be at least a 10X performance advantage over (Nvidia) GPUs in performing GPT-3 inference queries. Benchmarks please!

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