August 5, 2024
European Fine art

Master of Fine Arts programme

Master of Fine Arts programme: full-time, 120 ECTS credits. Teaching language: English.

Malmö Art Academy invites you to apply for the Master of Fine Arts programme, a two-year graduate programme in fine arts at Lund University. The Master’s programme includes in-depth research in art through individual studio practice and courses in art and various related disciplines. Malmö Art Academy has no separate departments.

In the first year, students begin their advanced artistic work, with continuous discussions in seminars led by teachers. During this first year, a study tour to an artistically interesting place is included. Students organize their own curriculum, choosing from a wide range of technical and theoretical courses, many of which are taught by internationally renowned artists. Guest lectures from visiting artists and critics, as well as various forms of international collaborative projects, are continuously offered at the Academy.

In the second year, students focus on their graduation work, which includes writing an essay and presenting a solo exhibition at the Academy’s gallery, KHM. Professors at Malmö Art Academy, in consultation with an external participant, are the examiners for a master’s degree. Approved graduation work meets the requirements for a degree of Master of Fine Arts in Visual Arts.

Situated in central Malmö, our academy provides state-of-the-art facilities, including individual studios for each student from the first year. Workshops equipped for all relevant artistic techniques enhance your practical skills. A contemporary programme in fine arts can work in close connection with cultural, artistic, and scientific currents in the fields of art history and theory, architecture, philosophy, sociology, psychology, and many other subjects. The affiliation with Lund University is a great advantage to Malmö Art Academy.

The international profile is an important feature of Malmö Art Academy, accentuated by the proximity to Denmark and mainland Europe, as well as by student exchanges with art academies in other countries. The academy also benefits from the rich and internationally oriented art life in the region, with numerous art galleries, museums, and other institutions. Guest lectures from visiting artists and critics, as well as various forms of collaborative projects, are continuously offered at the academy.

General requirement
Applicants must have a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree or equivalent. Visit here for application form and guidelines.

Tuition fees
Students who are citizens of countries outside the European Union (EU), European Economic Area (EEA) and Switzerland are generally required to pay application and tuition fees of SEK 200 000 (23,000 Euro) per year.

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