August 5, 2024

Artist Alexis Nutini embraces collaboration in printmaking

When Alexis Nutini opened his South Philly print shop in 2018, he wanted to pay tribute to his roots. He recalled how, when he began his artistic career at 19, he would travel to his native Mexico to visit childhood friends and show them the new paintings he had worked on. His friends would jokingly describe his work as “more or less” — or as the Mexican saying goes: “meh…es un dos, tres” (it’s a two, three). 

To keep that memory alive and remain humble as an artist, Nutini named his new business “Dos Tres Press.”

For the Philadelphia-based artist, time has been his greatest teacher. Now 45, Nutini understands why perfection in art can be a double-edged sword.  

“Early in my career, I had the wrong idea that all my artwork had to be perfect,” Nutini told Billy Penn. “Dos Tres Press is a reminder of where I grew up and that not everything has to be so serious.” 

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