PORT CLINTON ― Members of the Port Clinton Artists’ Club have been supported by the Port Clinton community since 1956, so when they wanted to give something back, the Philanthropy Committee was created, led by member Michelle Gregorek.
Their goal was to do something the public would enjoy. It was determined that painting the traffic barriers in the district would add art and color to an already exciting venue. Gregorek contacted the city and the Chamber of Commerce, and painting the barriers became a reality.
Public invited to see barrier painting May 22
Artists from ages 12 to 84 submitted designs. They were approved by Main Street Port Clinton and were created by Rebecca Booth, Marsha Gray Carrington, Lea Casado, Diane Chaplin, Monette Garn, Jeanne Morgan and Patty Wildman, with Alice Holly assisting.
Some of the barriers have already been installed, two facing Perry Street and others near the stage. Facing Perry Street is The Walleye Capital of the World and some mischievous looking gulls.
The community is invited to watch Rebecca Booth do her art magic at 10 a.m. May 22 where she will be painting a barrier in her favorite bold colors right in the district.
For information, contact info@portclintonartistsclub.com, or go to www.portclintonartistsclub.com.