February 8, 2025

Breakout artists bloom under the trees as their careers grow at Lolla

Fashionable band Happy Landing wore black jumpsuits on a blistering sunny Saturday to perform on the Bacardi Stage. Keyboardist Jacob Christensen said after their set, “We wanted to be remembered visually as well as sonically.”

The group met in college in Mississippi and Golden is their first full-length album.

Lead singer Matty Hendley described the endeavor as a way of “Dialing in their sound and staying true to their roots. We carry the motifs of landscapes, love and loss. The name comes from my grandpa when he was in the military. They would say have a happy landing before they jumped out of an airplane. We also named the land we live on as Happy Landing, so it just fit the band as well.”

Andrew Gardner plays the fiddle and mentions all the work involved with the instrument, “You have to put some time into it. Many people who play the violin will play a local symphony, but I have the travel bug and I like seeing the world on tour.”

Christensen followed that up with, “While he plays the fiddle he runs it through a pedal board. It’s like a violin meets a classic guitar!”

Bassist Wilson Moyer described the Happy Landing sound as “having a folk element combined with the settlers of Appalachia who are playing an electric guitar with stacked amps. That’s where we land…” This unique band returns to Chicago on November 9, 2024, with tickets at lh-st.com.


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