February 8, 2025

Fort Wayne Public Art Commission seeks practicing artist for open seat | Local Arts

Local artists have an opportunity to join the city’s Public Art Commission as the body looks to fill a seat vacated this fall.

To qualify, an individual must be a practicing artist or design professional and a city resident. Artists interested in the volunteer position can complete a Statement of Interest Form at FortWaynePublicArt.com. The deadline to apply is Jan. 31.

“We are seeking a local artist or designer who will contribute their expertise to the Public Art Commission,” chairwoman Lynette Scott says in a news release. “If you are a practicing artist or design professional and a city resident, we encourage you to apply.”

The opening was created by the departure of Jan Krist-Finkbeiner, whose exit was announced during the commission’s Oct. 25 meeting.

The 13-member commission includes practicing artists as well as appointees made by city officials, universities and arts organizations. Commissioners serve four-year terms and can be reappointed for one consecutive term.

The commission oversees the city’s Public Art Program, which includes projects such as the “Pillars of Hope and Justice” memorial commemorating a 1963 speech by Martin Luther King Jr. in the city and the Faces of the Fort murals. The memorial was dedicated in May and the final Faces mural was dedicated in July. Upcoming projects include utility box wraps and a “sound walk” tour of the city’s sculptures.

Commissioner terms are staggered and several will be up next year. 

The other practicing artist/designer position, which is currently held by Réna Bradley, will be up in June as will be positions appointed by Arts United (currently filled by Dan Ross) and Fort Wayne Museum of Art (held by Colleen Huddleson).

Mayor Tom Henry also will appoint a replacement for Randy Strebig in early 2024, according to Elizabeth Lewis, public information officer for the city’s Community Development Division. Strebig died in November.

Scott is an appointee of Artlink. Other members of the commission are Vice Chair John O’Connell of Purdue University Fort Wayne, Tim Parsley of University of Saint Francis, Alec Johnson of Fort Wayne Parks and Recreation, Paul Spoelhof of Community Development, City Council appointees Theoplis Smith III and Dan Swartz, and mayoral appointee Nancy Stewart.

Paul Sauerteig, Renata Robinson, Pam Holocher, Mac Parker and Alexandra Hall are advisory members appointed by the commission for one-year terms, which are also up in June.

The commission meets every other month. The next meeting is scheduled for 4 p.m. Feb. 28 at Citizen’s Square.

The public art program and commission were created in March 2018 with the goal of enhancing the city through artwork and assisting with city-led beautification efforts.

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