March 10, 2025

North Alabama art show celebrates student artists with disabilities | News

A must-see art show has arrived in North Alabama!

Experience more than three dozen pieces of artwork created by students with visual impairments, blindness, and deafness right here in Alabama.

The Helen Keller Art Show features artwork from students of all ages with disabilities from different schools around the state.

One of those schools is the Alabama Institute for the Blind and Deaf. The director of short-term programs there said that when they found out about the show, they were thrilled to submit some of their students work.

Jessica Chapa with the Alabama School for the Deaf and Blind said, “Anytime we can have exposure like this to the public to show that no matter what your ability is, you can create, you can do whatever you set your mind to.”

She said it’s inspirational to watch the students create their artwork.

“They want the community to feel everything they put into their artwork,” said Chappa.

The director of the Alabama Center for the Arts tells me some pieces even have a special touch.

Jennifer Bunnell with the Alabama Center for the Arts said, “Some of the pieces even have a little bit of braille on them, so you’re encouraged to touch those pieces when a lot of times we don’t get to touch the art.”

All The artwork is available for purchase. The proceeds will go back to the group that organizes the show to help offset the cost of framing and transporting the artwork throughout the state.

Chappa said, “The students are always super excited to hear that people are looking at their artwork, interested in purchasing their artwork, and really excited about that.”

The artwork will be on display at the Alabama Center for the Arts until September 4th, completely free of charge.

The Helen Keller Art show

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