NORTH OLMSTED, Ohio — Spring this year is being celebrated with the blossoming artistic talents of North Olmsted High School art students.
That’s because the Mayor’s Art Show returns to Old Town Hall.
“The annual Mayor’s Art Show is something that allows the students at North Olmsted High School to share their love of art with the community while also allowing the community to share in that love of art,” said North Olmsted High School Art Department Chair Jason Krucek, who helps organize the event.
“The city embraces the artists. It’s always great to see all of the people who take time out of their busy schedules to come out and support our talented students.”
North Olmsted Mayor Nicole Dailey Jones said she’s excited to once again host the event.
“Our students are extremely talented and each year it is always interesting to see their work displayed,” she said.
“The show is free and open to the community, which is very unique. I hope our residents take advantage of this wonderful opportunity to see the students pieces on display.”
The North Olmsted Mayor’s Art Show takes place in Old Town Hall. (John Benson/ Benson/
The highly-anticipated exhibit, which has been running for the better part of a decade, featuring the work of North Olmsted High School art students enjoys a free opening reception from 6 to 8 p.m. March 20 at the Dover Center Road venue.
The exhibit will also be open from noon to 2 p.m. March 21 and 10 a.m. to noon March 22.
“The students love any opportunity to show off their talents, but this one is special because it allows family, friends and neighbors to come see the work,” he said.
“They’re also excited the show is outside of the school, which makes it feel like a gallery show just for them.”
It’s that source of pride for these young artists that could provide momentum in a lifelong pursuit of the arts.
“The students who have been in it multiple years are always excited to be included and look forward to it, while the new students are usually confused and want to know more about the show and why they were picked,” he said.
Read more news from the Sun Post Herald here.