August 5, 2024

Over 350 Spanish artists denounce Israel’s genocidal attack on Gaza

Over 350 actors, filmmakers, singers and other cultural figures have signed the “Manifesto of Spanish Artists against the Massacre in Gaza and the Inaction in the Face of Apartheid and Genocide in Palestine,” calling for an “immediate” opening of humanitarian corridors in Gaza, while criticizing the acting Socialist Party (PSOE)-Podemos government’s “inaction” in the face of the Israeli genocide in Gaza.

The manifesto is a part the growing opposition of artists and cultural workers to the assault on the defenceless Palestinian population. Events in Gaza are radicalising millions throughout the world, a process that found vivid expression in the one-million strong protest in London and the demonstrations by hundreds of thousands across the world over the past weekend.

Marisa Paredes in Las cartas perdidas (2021)

In the US, 8,000 American artists, writers and other cultural workers signed the forthright declaration that “We support Palestinian liberation and call for an end to the killing and harming of all civilians, an immediate ceasefire, the passage of humanitarian aid into Gaza, and the end of the complicity of our governing bodies in grave human rights violations and war crimes.”

Since then, “Artists Call for Ceasefire Now,” a group of prominent American actors, writers and musicians, addressed an open letter to President Joe Biden and the US Congress calling “for an immediate de-escalation and ceasefire in Gaza and Israel before another life is lost.”

In the UK, over 2,000 filmmakers, actors, visual artists, playwrights, musicians, photographers, poets, authors, comedians, producers, curators, DJs, architects and designers signed an open letter asserting that “Our governments are not only tolerating war crimes but aiding and abetting them.”

The manifesto signed by Spanish artists begins by condemning “the deaths of Israeli civilians by the Hamas operation” on October 7, while demanding an end to the “the indiscriminate destruction that the Israeli army is once again carrying out” in Gaza, a crime that has so far killed 11,000 Palestinians to date, half of them children, and maimed tens of thousands for life.

The manifesto continues by remembering the escalating attacks by the Israel Defence Forces (IDF) and Israeli settlers in the West Bank, run by the US-Israeli puppet, the Palestinian Authority, where over 150 Palestinian have died since October 7, and over 2,150 have been detained.

“We call for an end to attacks by heavily armed settlers who harass, attack and shoot at the Palestinian population in the occupied territories of the West Bank,” it continues. “We denounce the murders that, although common in recent years, have alarmingly escalated in recent months in the face of the defenseless Palestinian civilians.”

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