August 5, 2024

Sarah McAdams and Zuri Thorn – The Cat’s Eye View

Becton Regional’s September and October Artists of the Month are Sarah McAdams and Zuri Thorn!

Each art teacher, Mrs. Savincki, Mr. Donovan, Mr. Mitchell and Mrs. Lennon, chose students from each of their classes who could be considered for artist of the month. Each student’s artwork is carefully examined for “showing excellence in creativty, effort, and skill,” says Lennon. The art department, as a whole, votes on who’s art they think encompasses those traits each month. 

McAdams won the September award. She is a freshman at Becton and after winning the award shared, “I was really surprised I won because I am in digital art. In my opinion, I feel like traditional art usually gets recognized more!”

McAdam’s was shocked after winning and stated how there were definitely more students who could have been recognized because everyone has a different style of artwork. This simply showcases how much of a team player McAdams is.

When asked if she put in her best work for the competition, McAdams resonds, “Yes, I actually spent multiple free periods working on landscape artwork.” McAdams is an obvious hard worker who will, as stated, “definitely continue art as a hobby and possibly as a part of my future career.”

Furthermore, Thorn won the October Artist of the Month award. She was chosen for her drawings in Fashion Design. In regards to getting chosen for artist of the month, Thorn recalls her surprise, “I was really shocked because I had no idea thst Becton had the new compeition of Artist of the Month!” As Thorn is only a sophomore, she is on the road to getting noticed for her Fashion Design, as accomplishing artist of the month is a great feat. 

When asked if art is a long-term career, Thorn explained how she would like to be a part of the fashion industry when she gets older, “I enjoy designing and the process of making clothing, and I plan to continue to do that after high school.”  

While interviewing Thorn, she attests, “I worked hard on these four sketches and I really liked how three of them came out. I was on a time crunch so if I had more time they would have come out even better.” Nonetheless, they clearly stood out to her judges and the student body!  

Congratulations to both Sarah McAdams and Zuri Thorn! 

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