June 10, 2024

Sarasota artist Syd Solomon seen through new lens at Ringling College

In 1927, the poet Romain Rolland wrote about the “oceanic feeling” in a letter to Sigmund Freud. He described it as, “a sensation of eternity… a feeling of being one with the external world as a whole.” Freud quoted the poet in “Civilization and its Discontents.” Syd Solomon might not have read Freud’s book. But he definitely knew the feeling.

Solomon was part artist, part mystic. His topographic oceans have the tidal pull of eternity. While his abstract paintings evoke the life aquatic, they’re not literal seascapes. You won’t find Solomon’s seas in The National Geographic. They’re the oceans of the mind. Informed by the artist’s dives in terrestrial oceans and his stint as a military camouflage artist in World War II. But they’re not of this world.

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