The Quietus | Reviews | Sampler1
On Sampler1, music becomes a playground. A compilation album from London-based label OUTPUTS, which seeks to unite visual art and music, Sampler1 features
On Sampler1, music becomes a playground. A compilation album from London-based label OUTPUTS, which seeks to unite visual art and music, Sampler1 features
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Art Market Maxwell Rabb Installation view of Basel Social Club, 2023. Photo by Gina Folly. Courtesy Gina Folly and Basel Social Club. Since
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The news that the music streaming platform Spotify is fiddling with its royalty model was welcomed with as much enthusiasm as, to quote
WISe.ART the Digital Art Platform of WISeKey, Unveils the Renaissance Coin: Revolutionizing Art Investment and Preservation with a Unique Blend of Technology
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