March 9, 2025

Art Investment

Art Investment

Investment Mania: From Crypto Art to Trading Cards

michael barbaro From the New York Times, I’m Michael Barbaro. This is “The Daily.” [music] Today, It started with a picture posted on the internet and ended in an extravagant cryptocurrency bidding war. [archived recording] Now to the latest trend that’s sweeping the internet, the skyrocketing prices for digital art sold as NFTs. NFT, and

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Art Investment

ARTSPLIT says co-owning African art is the next investment frontier

ARTSPLIT, the art investment platform, is making alternative investment assets such as artworks and music more inclusive and accessible for everyday people and at the same time, helping artists to make money from their works. Art pieces are expensive, but what if, with only a token, you could own a slice of one of these

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Art Investment

Buying a Piece Of Art-Market Hype

New York attorney Daniel Kokhba was one of many investors in 2020 who bought a stake in Cecily Brown’s Girl Trouble, 1999, an 8-foot-tall painting of abstracted reds, oranges, and yellows where figures emerge within thick strokes of paint. Fractional values of Girl Trouble were available to investors at $20 a share, with a minimum

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Art Investment

As Money Launderers Buy Dalís, U.S. Looks at Lifting the Veil on Art Sales

Mr. Isen provided his perspective on art market transactions. “It’s different than selling a car,” he said, “’cause car has to have the registration, the title, and this and that and everything. … These are nothing. … These could have been, these could have been your grandmother’s. You follow me?” “So I can say, ‘hey,

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Art Investment

Formations exhibition at the Frye worthy of investment of time, heart, and mind

By Kai CurryNORTHWEST ASIAN WEEKLY I’m in love. I’ve walked into the Kelly Akashi: Formations exhibition at the Frye Art Museum on First Hill and it is at once familiar and new. It’s the largest showing of Akashi’s work thus far, covering up to 10 years of her exploration and experimentation in various media.  Kelly

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Art Investment

The Art of Doing Nothing: a Personal View of Risk

No one likes losing money. But making losses is a perennial risk of being an investor. There are shades of loss, though. Your average ISA investor rarely faces complete financial ruin, but even double-digit losses can cause severe financial and psychological discomfort. I’ve been investing for around 20 years and made some bad decisions (buying

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Art Investment

Paul Allen’s Personal Art Collection Sold For $1.6 Billion

Christie’s auction house accomplished an extraordinary achievement by selling 150 works from the Paul G. Allen Collection for over $1.6 billion. Despite concerns surrounding the economy and cryptocurrencies, affluent collectors from around the world eagerly invested in these prestigious artworks. Five paintings surpassed the $100 million mark, with Georges Seurat’s masterpiece, ‘Les Poseuses, Ensemble,’ leading

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Art Investment

Paul Allen’s Personal Art Collection Sold For $1.6 Billion – Why Other Tech Billionaires Invest In This Asset Too

Options 101: The Beginner’s Guide Want to become an options master? In his free report, options expert Nic Chahine will give you access to the four bulletproof tips for beginners, the secret to scoring 411% gains with options, and his time-tested “plan” for success. Grab your free copy of Options 101: The Beginner’s Guide ASAP.

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Art Investment

Is There an Art ETF? • Benzinga

The art market is a complex and diverse industry, with investments in art becoming increasingly popular. As a result, many investors are now looking to diversify their portfolios by investing in art through various means. Posing the questions, is there an art ETF and is it really a viable investment opportunity? Unfortunately, there is no

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Art Investment

Where to invest $25K in 2023 according to experts

This article is sponsored by Masterworks, the art investment platform. Right now, there are millions of physicians standing at a crossroads. More than 40% of active physicians are expected to reach retirement age over the next ten years, and according to Fidelity, the average physician needs about $2.4 million to retire comfortably. While you’re most likely

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