March 9, 2025



Breakthrough Artists of 2023 (Middle East & North Africa)

In a year where musical trends have been rapidly shifting from trap and hip-hop to electro-pop and RnB, afro-beats, amapiano and a variety of shaabi-inspired genres, it is no surprise that the region’s music scene is undergoing fundamental changes. With these shifts come a fresh generation of artists paving the way for new genres, lyrical

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Gallery names new artists for new year

Featured Artists for January 2024 are Michael Hale with acrylic paintings, and Debbie Cain with ornamental gourd carvings. Hale was born in the Pacific Northwest has been at his art since the time he could hold a pencil and later a brush. Majoring in his second love of architecture, he attended Washington State University where

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Who’s in charge of Tunisia’s streets? Writing’s on the wall | Arts and Culture

Tunis, Tunisia — Where control of the public space lies is one of the most fundamental questions at the heart of any society. Under repressive governments, such as those that held sway over Tunisia during the decades from independence up to its revolution of 2011, there was never any real doubt. Control of the public

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Various Artists: Weavings 2 Album Review

Back in the thick of the pandemic’s first year, with concerts definitively off the table for the foreseeable future, Nicolás Jaar created Weavings as a way of fostering a sense of virtual togetherness. The piece brought together 13 artists from around the world to play together over the internet in real time. Commissioned by Krakow’s

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Artists of 2023: Arlo Parks

In this end-of-year series, Rolling Stone AU/NZ celebrates some of the artists who released a significant album in 2023.  Arlo Parks brought intimacy and vulnerability to the indie-pop world with her highly-anticipated second album, My Soft Machine. “Almost everyone that I love has been abused, and I am included,” she declares in one of the

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Khago Still Earning Comfortably From Dubplates, But Says This Could Make Artists “Wutless”

Dancehall star Khago says he is still making a decent living earning from dubplates, and that in doing so, he has been earning more money than he would make from live performances. “I use to want to get new hit songs, but God show mi seh mi have songs that can bring mi money.  And

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Ogden ‘Hat Bar’ owner says local artists have been struggling to find patrons

OGDEN, Utah — Ogden is an arts city with a vibrant culture, but local artists say that with the rising costs of everything, it’s harder to find support for their small businesses. Inside “The Monarch” in Ogden is a special kind of hat business. Abbie Devers owns Gypsy Dream Hat Bar and Art Studio. “When

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Artist collecting 1,984 copies of Orwell’s Nineteen Eighty-Four for display

An artist is collecting 1,984 copies of George Orwell’s Nineteen Eighty-Four for a display on the island where it was written on its 75th anniversary. Orwell wrote the dystopian novel on Jura in the Inner Hebrides between 1946 and 1948, while living in a cottage with no heating or hot water. The writer, known to

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Minneapolis Artist creates dream space; provides free community access to art materials

MINNEAPOLIS — After years of battling addiction, artist Willard Malebear has created a place he always wanted — an art center providing free community access to art materials — and a place to use them. “Being in a space like this just is like being a kid in a Lego factory,” Malebear said. “Just knowing

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Calling all artists! DLNR now accepting entries for annual stamp contest

An art contest is being held to decide the design of two stamps for state hunting licenses. The state Department of Land and Natural Resources’ Division of Forestry and Wildlife is taking entries for its annual art contest until March 15. The Game Bird Stamp will feature the Melanistic Mutant Pheasant, a colorful animal that

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