February 10, 2025
European Artists

Collecting guide: Art Deco jewellery

René Boivin: ‘When René Boivin was starting his company, he wanted to create a business that united different talents, and he succeeded,’ says Françoise Cailles, the author of a book on the jeweller.

‘Few customers really understood his avant-garde jewellery. Boivin has always created jewellery for a select few, for an intellectual and artistic elite. When he died in 1917, his wife Jeanne took the reins of the firm. Their daughter Germaine would also join the company later. Boivin was always rowing against the current of the day, whether it was Art Nouveau or Art Deco.’

Paul Brandt: A talented Swiss jeweller, painter, sculptor and engraver, Paul Brandt settled in Paris, where he was already designing jewellery during the Art Nouveau period. He first came to public attention with his Art Deco jewellery at the 1925 Exposition, becoming more famous in the 1930s thanks to his strikingly modernist work. The beauty of his abstract, geometric jewellery lies in its linear harmony and immaculate execution.

Explore Jewellery, Watches, Handbags & Accessories and Wine during Christie’s spring Luxury season 2024 in Dubai, Geneva, Hong Kong, Paris, London, New York and online

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