February 12, 2025
European Artists

List of the most listened to classic rock artists in every European country: In Macedonia the cult band “Queen” is the favorite

All good rock and roll music should cross all international borders. Music has always brought people together, and being able to sing a song no matter what country the musician is from is one of the reasons people can connect with each other at concerts.

Many musicians have managed to reach the global stage, and some of the mainstays of classic rock music have managed to dominate parts of Europe as well. “Faraut Magazine”.

Bands such as AC/DC, Queen, Metallica, Rolling Stones, The Beatles, were and still are a part of many people’s everyday lives.

AC/DC, one of the top classic rock bands, even though they come from Australia, they have managed to become the most popular in countries like Switzerland, Germany and Sweden, all with a total of 1,33 billion views on YouTube every month.

1970s rockers Queen have dominated the music world for years, with their songs reaching nearly two billion YouTube views. But it’s no real surprise that someone like “Queen” would top such a list.

Most of this data comes from how many people have clicked on different music videos from any given band, their popularity is due to how successful they have been on the live stage as well.

A good live show is of great importance, as evidenced by Bruce Springsteen’s ability to connect with the audience.

But beyond their great songs, is there really an “X factor” that defines these bands as a true pinnacle of culture?

From “Faraut Magazine” they say that popularity doesn’t necessarily mean that a band has to have deep lyrics, but if there is something universal in the songs, full arenas and audiences are guaranteed to sing them.

Below is the list of the most listened to rock bands in every European country, according to “Faraut Magazine”:

Norway – Bruce Springsteen
Sweden – “AC/DC”
Finland – “Metallica”
Estonia – “Queen”
Latvia – “Queen”
Lithuania – “AC/DC”
Poland – “Queen”
Belarus – “Queen”
Austria – “AC/DC”
Slovakia – “Queen”
Hungary – “Queen”
Ukraine – “Queen”
Moldova – “Queen”
Romaniusa – “Queen”
Босна и Херцеговина – “AC/DC”
Bulgaria – “Metallica”
Srbiјa – “AC/DC”
Macedonia – “Queen”
Cyprus – “Queen”
Greece – “Queen”
Albania – “Metallica”
Montenegro – “AC/DC”
Croatia – “Queen”
Малта – “Queen”
Italy – “Queen”
Iceland – “AC/DC”
Slovenia – “Queen”
Portugal – “Queen”
Spain – “Queen”
Switzerland – “AC/DC”
France -“Queen”
Luxemburg – “Queen”
great Britain – “Queen”
Ireland – “Queen”
Belgium – “Queen”
Netherlands – “Queen”
Denmark – “Queen”
Czech Republic – “Queen”
Germany – “AC/DC”

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