August 5, 2024
Visual artists

2022 Senior Exhibition Artists: Amanda Cote | College of Visual & Performing Arts

2022 Senior Exhibition Artists 2022 Senior Exhibition Artists: Amanda Cote

Amanda Cote

Art + Design: Graphic Design

About Amanda Cote

Amanda Cote is a multi-media artist and designer living on the south coast of Massachusetts. She is currently finishing up her BFA in graphic design at the College for Visual and Performing Arts at the University of Massachusetts Dartmouth. She is always interested in learning another new way to create whether it be in the physical or digital realm. She believes that the learning process never ends and is always open to growing as a person in all aspects. Her goals are to have a job where she can be surrounded by creative people and be able to travel as much as she can.


Better Together is a brand that I have created to talk about the benefits that would come about from having garden roofs on bus shelters and why they are better together. A huge environmental issue called Combined Sewer Overflows is not talked about enough and plants can do a lot to combat this problem. Combined Sewer Overflows are a result of Combined Sewer Systems that are designed to overflow. Most of the U.S has Combined Sewer Systems and when there is heavy rain, the sewage and rainwater flow out into our waterways. This causes them to be more polluted and unsafe. The absorption of rainwater is a way to lessen the impact of Combined Sewer Overflows. Integrating more greenery into cities in small and realistic ways with garden roof bus shelters is a good start to more green cities.

My goals for this project are that people become more educated on this issue that is Combined Sewer Overflows and the impact it has on to not only us, but aquatic life as well. The actualization of garden roof bus shelters in New Bedford is another goal of mine. I hope this project inspires people to plant more because that comes with a multitude of benefits and not just the absorption of rainwater. More Flowers would allow for more pollination to happen. Plants are our natural air filters, so the air would be cleaner and more breathable as well.



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