February 10, 2025
Visual artists

Art by Nature: Monarch Waystations open for submissions

Lexington is seeking submissions for Art by Nature: Monarch Waystations, a celebration of pollinator gardens in our community. Artists are asked to submit works that are inspired by one of 20 featured Monarch Waystation locations or another certified Monarch Waystation in Fayette County. Visual artists of all types – painters, photographers, fiber artists, jewelry makers, sculptors, glass artists and more – are encouraged to participate. The deadline for artists to declare their intent to exhibit is Friday, Sept. 13.

This program is in its seventh year and features both new and returning artists. For Kathleen McCoy, Art by Nature has become a family event with her sister, Marie Waddell Pearson, and her son, Tom McCoy, participating with her.

“My sister told me about Art by Nature since she had submitted an oil painting,” said Ms. McCoy. “I joined in with my watercolor, and my son decided to enter his photography. The theme was trees the first year all three of us entered, and my son’s photo won first prize.”

Ms. McCoy added, “I’ve enjoyed 3 years of competing with my son and my sister. It has encouraged me to try painting different subjects, and I enjoy my family joining in and competing against them as well. I guess we’re a competitive family!”

This year’s theme brings attention to the many Monarch Waystations that have been planted throughout our community, including in several city parks.

 “Waystations provide an important source of food and habitat for successive generations of monarchs,” said Jennifer Hubbard, Superintendent of Natural Areas for Parks and Recreation. “Many people don’t realize that pollinators provide approximately one third of the food we eat, making it even more important to protect them and sustain their resources. We appreciate all of the people dedicated to using their green spaces to best support monarchs and other pollinator species, adding to a healthier ecosystem and planet for ourselves and for many other species.”

The 2024 exhibit will be held from Oct. 18 through Dec. 6 at the Living Arts and Science Center, 362 North Martin Luther King Blvd. The program is not juried; artists of all levels are welcome to participate by submitting up to three pieces. Works are for sale with proceeds going to the artist, or the artist may keep their piece. 

The City is planning a series of art and nature events in conjunction with the exhibit. Details on those events will be announced closer to the gallery opening in October.

The participation form and map of Monarch Waystations can be found on the Art by Nature webpage. If you are interested in planting native plants at your home, free plans are available through Plant by Numbers

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