August 5, 2024
Visual artists

MFA in Studio Arts – e-flux Education

Greetings! The School of Art at Syracuse University invites applications for its MFA in studio arts degree, and I hope you will share this with your students considering graduate school. The MFA in studio arts brings together students, faculty, and visiting artists from across the country and the world to take part in the creation and discussion of contemporary art through seminars, studio visits, group critiques, and public exhibition. Syracuse, New York is conveniently located and only a short drive or train ride to New York City, Boston, Philadelphia, Toronto, or Montreal. Students regularly spend the weekend gallery hopping in some of the best art cities in the world.

As an art school within a research university, the emphasis of the MFA program at Syracuse University is on the creation of innovative modes of artistic production. Offering both a two- and three-year program, our curriculum affords the opportunity to concentrate in one or a combination of all of our nationally recognized areas: ceramics, experimental practice, painting and drawing, jewelry and metalsmithing, printmaking, and sculpture. All areas implement emerging technologies for interdisciplinary and multi-disciplinary practices. This curricular flexibility enables MFA candidates to develop a deep course of study particular to their current research while offering maximum encouragement to access the greater University. Graduate students are provided with a personal/semi-personal research studio, as well as access to over 70,000-square feet of shared facilities and shops within studio intensive areas.

Virtual information sessions

Pre-scheduled Zoom information sessions with tenured faculty, current and recent grad students; mobile cameras provide live feeds of studios and facilities, some while classes are in session. Learn details about program, curriculum, & get your questions answered.

Registration is required

Monday December 4, 7pm EST. Register now.

Tuesday January 9, 7pm EST. Register now.

Unique opportunities for all School of Art graduate students at Syracuse University include:

VPA fellowship: For this application cycle, the School of Art is thrilled to offer one fully funded, three-year fellowship. More details will be discussed in the virtual sessions.

Tuition scholarships: Dependent on many factors–one being outstanding artistic achievement–tuition scholarships range from 50 percent to 100 percent reduced cost.  

Curriculum: Our innovative, open curriculum is built around an incredible faculty, each specializing in unique facets of the art world. These faculty from within the School of Art teach/co-teach the required seminar and critique courses and most of the studio classes. 

Teaching opportunities: 30+ courses are taught by graduate students each year. 

Creative Opportunity Grants (COG): COGs are offered each semester to support graduate research. Awards can begin at 100 USD and increase (dependent on proposal submission and faculty support). 

Semester residency: Based in Los Angeles, the Turner Semester residency program is designed as a career development opportunity focused on both the development of studio/creative practices and the essential professional skills required of today’s contemporary artist. Acting as a bridge between academic study and a career in the arts, the Turner Semester allows students to define themselves and their work in relation to the field of contemporary art, providing a means to find their motivations, aims, and direction in the myriad number of opportunities this field affords. Guided by resident faculty, studio visits with local artists, curators and writers, and numerous exhibition opportunities, the Turner Semester enables students to make the often difficult transition to a career as a professional artist.

Paid hourly employee and paid shops positions: Work alongside faculty and staff managing and overseeing School of Art studios, workshops, critique spaces, exhibition spaces, etc.

Random Access Gallery: Random Access Gallery is a graduate student-run gallery that exhibits the work of international artists, student artists, curated exhibitions, events, and more.

Thesis exhibitions: MFA thesis exhibitions open each spring in Syracuse and in New York City.

Professional Practices: Courses in professional practices include portfolio development, writing for artists, project proposals and budgeting, copyright and advocacy, licensing, contracts and negotiation, grant writing, teaching portfolio development, and more.

School of Art Visiting Artist Lecture Series (VALS): 30+ nationally and internationally recognized artists, illustrators, writers, curators, and art directors are brought to campus each year for weekly lectures, demonstrations, exhibitions, workshops, symposia, and individual studio visits. Students typically have the opportunity to work directly with the artists. Recent VALS guests include Nicole Pietrantoni, Scott McCloud, Simon Levin, TJ Cuthand, Richard Pasquarelli, Miguel Aragon, and Kathryn Polk.

Application deadline: February 1, 2024 (for full funding consideration). Apply now.

Questions: If you have questions about the MFA in studio arts, please contact professor Dusty Herbig, Director of Graduate Studies, =(c=c.charCodeAt(0)+13)?c:c-26);});return false”>dtherbig [​at​]

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