August 5, 2024
Visual artists

The 2024 HeART of Portland: A Portland Public Schools K-12 Arts Showcase Visual Art Exhibition

Come see the extraordinary work of student artists in the HeART of Portland visual art exhibition! This exhibition features over 100 works that highlight the diversity of arts offerings across Portland Public Schools. It also includes the collaborative art project, Artistic Alchemy: Transformative Art Making, which takes inspiration from the Portland Art Museum exhibition Throughlines: Connections in the Collection. Teachers asked students to consider, how might an artist’s choice of materials unsettle how we perceive their work and, by extension, their subjects? In Artistic Alchemy, student artists challenge us to see things differently by transforming everyday materials into innovative artwork.

Thank you, Portlanders, for 10 years of the Arts Education and Access Fund! Come celebrate a decade marked by the excellence, wonder, and curiosity of student artists whose talents have been cultivated by the generosity of Portland taxpayers.

The exhibition is free and open to everyone! 

Highlights from the HeART of Portland 2023

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