Motivation (max. 1 page)
Explain your motivation, why it is of added value for you to be present during the preview and opening of the 17th Lyon Biennale. Indicate how this visit can contribute to the internationalisation of your practice and the broadening of your international network. The visit to the biennial is organised primarily to strengthen your international network. It is important that you indicate in your motivation who you hope to meet and why this visit is relevant for your internationalisation and your professional development.
CV (max. 2 pages)
Upload the most important data about your professional practice, with an emphasis on the last 1 to 4 years. Consider exhibitions (indicate: solo or group), manifestations, assignments, prizes, publications, possible sales, stating years. Also mention any additional activities, such as teaching positions, advisory and committee positions.
If applicable:
Extract Personal Records Database
Do you not have Dutch nationality? Please enclose a recent extract (not older than 1 year) from the population register.
Bank details and/or Chamber of Commerce Extract
We need your bank account number to transfer the amount if your application is approved. If you have not previously submitted an application to the Mondriaan Fund or if the account number has changed since the previous application, please upload a recent bank statement clearly stating the name of the account holder and IBAN/bank account number of the applicant. Applicants located in the Caribbean part of the Kingdom can provide a bank statement or other document from the bank showing the account holder’s name and bank account number.
Do you have a business account number for your own sole proprietorship? Please also upload a recent extract from the Chamber of Commerce (not older than 3 months), so that we can determine that the account number is linked to a sole proprietorship.
Diploma/deregistration or Chamber of Commerce extract
Have you been working professionally for less than 3 years? Then we need a copy of the diplomas of the art academy(s) followed or a statement from the academy if the study has been terminated prematurely. If you have not completed any art education, you can send a recent extract (not older than 3 months) from the Chamber of Commerce or a comparable foreign organisation to check that you are registered as a visual artist.