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Revolutionizing Art Investment with New Index

MAB100: A New Art Index Fuels Interest in Art Investment

MyArtBroker has introduced MAB100, a breakthrough innovation in the art market that serves as an index for the top 100 print editions, aimed at leveraging analytical data for art investment. The system is designed with algorithms that meticulously track pricing data points and calculate cumulative spend metrics every quarter. This innovative approach is intended to democratize art investment and provide easier access for price-sensitive investors.

Financializing Art: A New Era

The introduction of MAB100 reflects a broader trend of financializing art, where art is increasingly treasured not just for its aesthetic and cultural value, but also for its potential financial returns. This progression has spurred a wave of interest in art as a viable investment option, alongside traditional investments like stocks and bonds. The creators of the index aim to encourage more people to consider art as a potential asset class by establishing a systematic and standardized approach to valuing art.

Art Tech AI Platforms: Revolutionizing the Art Market

Art Tech AI platforms, including companies like MyArtBroker, ArtClear, Convelio, Vortic Art, Artlogic, InSitu Art Room, Smartify, and Rarible are at the forefront of these changes. These industry leaders are harnessing AI to authenticate artworks, create digital certificates of authenticity, simplify art transportation, provide virtual reality experiences, streamline art business operations, facilitate visualization of art in a space, and make art accessible through NFTs.

The Power and Potential of Index Funds

Index funds, a type of mutual fund or exchange traded fund constructed to match or track the components of a financial market index such as the S&P 500, have gained popularity over the past decade. Advocates argue that index funds, a form of passive investing, offer lower risk through diversification, low expense ratios, and strong long term returns, making them ideal for passive buy and hold investors. However, they are also vulnerable to market swings and crashes, lack flexibility, and have limited gains. The introduction of an art index like MAB100 could potentially transform the art market by providing clearer pricing, historical performance data, and a benchmark for comparing different artworks.

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