Gallery Review Europe Blog Artists Crawford Art Center call for artists and exhibitors

Crawford Art Center call for artists and exhibitors

Crawford County Art Center announced its Winter Holiday Shop Call for Art.

, said Board Member Brandon Adler. The Winter Holiday Shop is scheduled for Black Friday, Nov. 24. 

“Members can display winter and holiday-themed art/decorations for sale in our Winter Holiday Shop event and through the rest of December,” announced the Art Center on its Facebook page. 

The center’s fall exhibit is still up. It was dedicated to the 10-year anniversary of the center. The so-called diamond anniversary called for the reflections theme for the fall exhibit, board member Brandon Adler said.

“So, we have a couple of mirror pieces; and here are other less literal takes on reflections,” he said. 

Felted wool figurines by Mari Swearingen at the exhibit in the Crawford County Art Center, Saturday, Nov. 4.

Lots of gift ideas

He said usually 20-30 local artists participate. Most of the items they submit for the exhibit are on sale, and the prices start at around $15.

Some of the art pieces will make for unique gifts. Along with the handmade jewelry, visitors can get felt figurines of pumpkins making funny faces by local artist Mari Swearingen, or a ceramic plate with a cat figure on it by Beverly Morgan.

Along with the items on sale that people can use in their everyday life, such as rainbow crochet shawls and handmade ceramic bowls, the exhibit features oil and other types of paintings and photography, and some of them are not for sale.

Michael Madman's piece "Imagine" featured at the Crawford County Art Center, Saturday, Nov. 4.

The exhibits include the items made by children during the center’s summer’s children programs. Participating in the exhibit is free, said Adler, but there are small costs to the memberships.

Most of the proceeds of the sales go directly to the artists with a 10% fee taken by the Art Center for displaying and handling the item. 

The rest of the money will go to the artist,” Adler said.

Adler said that the number of visitors to their exhibit depends on the season, and they usually get more guests during the holiday season.

To submit an art piece, the artists should be members of the Crawford County Arts Center, but memberships can be purchased at the time of submission.

The center is looking forward to winter-themed traditional art pieces, as well as decorative items, such as trimmings, figurines, wreath, etc. To arrange a drop off, please contact the center at The deadline for submissions is Nov. 21. 

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