Gallery Review Europe Blog Artists LL Cool J Slams Artists Who Only Rap About Money: ‘Do You Have Anything Else to Talk About?’

LL Cool J Slams Artists Who Only Rap About Money: ‘Do You Have Anything Else to Talk About?’

“He talked about something,” the Queens rapper said of Marley. “He had something to say. And guess what? You don’t care what Bob Marley had in the bank. Because that’s not the metric for success. It’s not the metric for cultural success. Bob Marley did not have to be rich. He was rich in what he did and what he created and what he put in the world. That shit matters.”

LL concluded his rant with a mic drop: “The wallet can’t un-corny you.”

Despite his disapproval of hip-hop’s younger generations, LL made sure to wrap up his conversation by providing encouragement to those struggling artists still looking for their big break.

“You can do anything you put your mind to,” he said. “Be open to receiving what you want and go for it wholeheartedly. And remember, to be a winner, you have to be comfortable with the idea that you might lose.”

Watch LL Cool J’s full interview with Baller Alert below.

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