Gallery Review Europe Blog Artists Moi Aussi Presents Its Art Manifesto

Moi Aussi Presents Its Art Manifesto

Moi Aussi is Etnia Barcelona’s ultimate commitment to art. Bringing together artists from all over the world to reimagine a different type of canvas — a pair of glasses — Moi Aussi aims to transcend cultural differences to ensure that the true purpose of art prevails over any boundaries.

More than 50 artists have participated in the artistic eyewear project, creatively interpreting anonymous glasses with absolute freedom of imagination. Through a journey of exploration, color, material, and finishing choice, each artist shapes their own work, converting an everyday object into a piece of art.

To further honor its commitment to art and artists, Etnia Barcelona has acquired the Church of Abbazia della Misericordia in Venice, Italy, and will transform it into Moi Aussi’s new creative lab. Every year, a commission of prominent art world figures will select two artists each month to participate in a residency at the church, where they will create their artwork.

To learn more, visit and follow @moiaussiartgallery on Instagram.

Church of Abbazia della Misericordia in Venice, Italy

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