Gallery Review Europe Blog Artists Pittsburgh Opera Announces 2024-25 Resident Artists

Pittsburgh Opera Announces 2024-25 Resident Artists

The Pittsburgh Opera has announced its 2024-25 Resident Artists.

The artists will include pianist Maeve Berry, soprano Shannon Crowley, soprano Lauryn Davis, stage director Dana Kinney, tenor Fran Daniel Laucerica, baritone Erik Nordstrom, bass Matthew Soibelman, and mezzo-soprano Audrey Welsh.

Pittsburgh Opera’s Resident Artist Program is one of the country’s leading training programs for young singers and received more than 800 applicants from around the world.

The Resident Artists Program allows singers to further their careers under the guidance of the opera world’s leaders and innovators, including master classes with opera legends. The program also gives the chance to study languages, diction, movement, and acting, among others.

In addition to singers, Pittsburgh Opera’s Resident Artist program includes a stage director position, and new for 2024-25, a pianist position.

Past resident Artists include Marianne Cornetti, Eric Ferring, Sean Panikkar, Taylor Raven, Alexandra Loutsion, Audrey Luna, and Rolando Villazón.

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