Gallery Review Europe Blog Artists Redlands Art Association’s featured artist for July exhibits beach scene watercolors – Redlands Daily Facts

Redlands Art Association’s featured artist for July exhibits beach scene watercolors – Redlands Daily Facts

Sandy Davies is exhibiting beach scene watercolors at the Redlands Art Association Gallery as the gallery’s featured artist June 29 through July 26.

Sharing the featured artist honors with Davies this month is Patty Mariano-Denning, who is showing her jewelry designs.

A meet-the-artists reception will be held 1-6 p.m. Saturday, July 6, at the gallery, 215 E. State St., Redlands.

The beach scenes in Davies’ exhibit are from years of driving up and down the Southern California coast with her car club or with wine friends, taking pictures of the landscapes and beach living, according to a news release.

“I’ve had lessons in many mediums, but watercolor painting is my main focus. As all watercolor artists can relate, I let the medium create the excitement in my art — until I can’t stand it any more and get out the small brushes to control it,” Davies said in the news release.

  • Sandy Davies is exhibiting beach scene watercolors June 29-July 26, 2024, at the Redlands Art Association Gallery. (Photo by Sandy Davies, Redlands Art Association)

  • This watercolor of a hermit crab is part of Sandy Davies’ featured artist exhibit at the Redlands Art Association Gallery, running June 29-July 26, 2024. (Photo by Sandy Davies, Redlands Art Association)

  • Patty Mariano-Denning is exhibiting her jewelry designs June 29-July 26, 2024, at the Redlands Art Association Gallery. (Photo by Sandy Davies, Redlands Art Association)

  • This is some of the jewelry Patty Mariano-Denning is exhibiting June 29-July 26, 2024, at the Redlands Art Association Gallery. (Photo by Patty Mariano-Denning)

Davies, a board member of the Redlands Art Association and one of the gallery coordinators, has assisted in the development of the association’s major events, the Multi-Media Mini Show, Art-in-the-Park and Art-on-State-Street. She is also the treasurer of Watercolor West, an organization that promotes the use of transparent watercolors.

Patty Mariano-Denning uses materials including sea glass, African trade beads, sea shells, semi-precious stones, pearls and crystals to make her jewelry, inspired by a love of the underwater world and exotic locations.

“I’ve found that design is of the utmost importance, but I also keep durability and comfort in mind. I like creating pieces that will be enjoyed for years. Going into the studio to start that creative process always feels good,” Mariano-Denning said in the news release.

In addition to creating jewelry, Mariano-Denning is a member of the Redlands Horticultural and Improvement Society, the Redlands Underwater Photography Club and the Redlands Area Historical Society.

For information about Redlands Art Association, go to

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