Gallery Review Europe Blog Artists See the artists, bands, honored student artists

See the artists, bands, honored student artists

Teacher Lori Dale presents a $1,000 scholarship check to senior Mia Hilton during the Waukee Arts Festival on Saturday, July 20. The two-day festival at Centennial Park featured local artists and music.

Teacher Lori Dale presents a $1,000 scholarship check to senior Mia Hilton during the Waukee Arts Festival on Saturday, July 20. The two-day festival at Centennial Park featured local artists and music.

Lee Navin/Special To The Register

Musical artist Bonne Finken performs during the Waukee Arts Festival on Friday, July 19. The two-day event at Centennial Park featured local artists and music.

Lee Navin/Special To The Register

Arthur Smith of Des Moines stands by his work at the Waukee Arts Festival on Friday, July 19. The two-day event at Centennial Park featured local artists and music.

Lee Navin/Special To The Register

The June Bugs perform during the Waukee Arts Festival on Saturday, July 20. The two-day event at Centennial Park featured local artists and music.

Lee Navin/Special To The Register

The June Bugs perform during the Waukee Arts Festival on Saturday, July 20. The two-day event at Centennial Park featured local artists and music.

Lee Navin/Special To The Register

McKenna Beaty enjoys an ice cream cone during the Waukee Arts Festival on Saturday, July 20. The two-day event at Centennial Park featured local artists and music.

Lee Navin/Special To The Register

Musical artist Bonne Finken sings during the Waukee Arts Festival on Friday, July 19. The two-day event at Centennial Park featured local artists and music.

Lee Navin/Special To The Register

People come and go through the covered bridge during the Waukee Arts Festival on Saturday, July 20. The two-day event at Centennial Park featured local artists and music.

Lee Navin/Special To The Register

Teacher Lori Dale presents a $1,000 scholarship check to senior Andrew Wittmer during the Waukee Arts Festival on Saturday, July 20. The two-day festival at Centennial Park featured local artists and live music.

Lee Navin/Special To The Register

A juggler performs during the Waukee Arts Festival on Saturday, July 20. The two-day festival at Centennial Park featured local artists and live music.

Lee Navin/Special To The Register

A cool evening at the Waukee Arts Festival on Friday, July 19. The two-day festival at Centennial Park featured local artists and live music.

Lee Navin/Special To The Register

The student art exhibit is on display at the Waukee Arts Festival on Friday, July 19. The two-day festival at Centennial Park featured local artists and live music.

Lee Navin/Special To The Register

Cora Agness, fourth grade, stands by her watercolor painting on display during the Waukee Arts Festival on Saturday, July 20. The two-day festival at Centennial Park featured local artists and live music.

Lee Navin/Special To The Register

Art shoppers enjoy the Waukee Arts Festival on Friday, July 19. The two-day festival at Centennial Park featured local artists and live music.

Lee Navin/Special To The Register

Mike and Sherry Schlundt of Ankeny enjoy the Waukee Arts Festival on Friday, July 19. The two-day festival at Centennial Park featured local artists and live music.

Lee Navin/Special To The Register

Musical artist Bonne Finken performs during the Waukee Arts Festival on Friday, July 19. The two-day festival at Centennial Park featured local artists and live music.

Lee Navin/Special To The Register

Bob Kling of Indianola is a featured artist at the Waukee Arts Festival on Friday, July 19. The two-day festival at Centennial Park showcased local artists and live music.

Lee Navin/Special To The Register

Russ Tomlinson plays the drums in the Bonne Finken band during the Waukee Arts Festival on Friday, July 19. The two-day festival at Centennial Park featured local artists and live music.

Lee Navin/Special To The Register

The Not Quite Brothers band performs classic rock at the Waukee Arts Festival on Friday, July 19. The two-day festival at Centennial Park featured local artists and live music.

Lee Navin/Special To The Register

Musical artist Dan Medeiros plays his 12-string guitar during the Waukee Arts Festival on Saturday, July 20. The two-day festival at Centennial Park featured local artists and live music.

Lee Navin/Special To The Register

The Not Quite Brothers band performs classic rock at the Waukee Arts Festival on Friday, July 19. The two-day festival at Centennial Park featured local artists and live music.

Lee Navin/Special To The Register

The Not Quite Brothers band performs classic rock at the Waukee Arts Festival on Friday, July 19. The two-day festival at Centennial Park featured local artists and live music.

Lee Navin/Special To The Register

Art shoppers enjoy the Waukee Arts Festival on Friday, July 19. The two-day festival at Centennial Park featured local artists and live music.

Lee Navin/Special To The Register

The June Bugs perform during the Waukee Arts Festival on Saturday, July 20. The two-day festival at Centennial Park featured local artists and live music.

Lee Navin/Special To The Register

The June Bugs perform during the Waukee Arts Festival on Saturday, July 20. The two-day festival at Centennial Park featured local artists and live music.

Lee Navin/Special To The Register

The Pork Tornadoes perform during the Waukee Arts Festival on Saturday, July 20. The two-day festival at Centennial Park featured local artists and live music.

Lee Navin/Special To The Register

The Pork Tornadoes perform during the Waukee Arts Festival on Saturday, July 20. The two-day festival at Centennial Park featured local artists and live music.

Lee Navin/Special To The Register

Cameron Roach of Waukee High won Best of Show 3-D during the Waukee Arts Festival on Saturday, July 20.The two-day festival at Centennial Park featured local artists and live music.

Lee Navin/Special To The Register

Andrew Wilson of Waukee High won Best of Show 2-D during the Waukee Arts Festival on Saturday, July 20. The two-day festival at Centennial Park featured local artists and live music.

Lee Navin/Special To The Register

Nora Stoianova of Waukee Northwest won honorable mention during the Waukee Arts Festival on Saturday, July 20. The two-day festival at Centennial Park featured local artists and live music.

Lee Navin/Special To The Register

The Not Quite Brothers band performs classic rock at the Waukee Arts Festival on Friday, July 19. The two-day festival at Centennial Park featured local artists and live music.

Lee Navin/Special To The Register

The Not Quite Brothers band performs at the Waukee Arts Festival on Friday, July 19. The two-day festival at Centennial Park featured local artists and live music.

Lee Navin/Special To The Register

Musical artist Bonne Finken sings during the Waukee Arts Festival on Friday, July 19. The two-day festival at Centennial Park featured local artists and live music.

Lee Navin/Special To The Register

Musical artist Bonne Finken performs during the Waukee Arts Festival on Friday, July 19. The two-day festival at Centennial Park featured local artists and live music.

Lee Navin/Special To The Register

The Not Quite Brothers band performs classic rock at the Waukee Arts Festival on Friday, July 19. The two-day festival at Centennial Park featured local artists and live music.

Lee Navin/Special To The Register

The Pork Tornadoes perform during the Waukee Arts Festival on Saturday, July 20. The two-day festival at Centennial Park featured local artists and live music.

Lee Navin/Special To The Register

The Pork Tornadoes perform during the Waukee Arts Festival on Saturday, July 20. The two-day festival at Centennial Park featured local artists and live music.

Lee Navin/Special To The Register

The Not Quite Brothers band performs classic rock at the Waukee Arts Festival on Friday, July 19. The two-day festival at Centennial Park featured local artists and live music.

Lee Navin/Special To The Register

The Not Quite Brothers band performs classic rock at the Waukee Arts Festival on Friday, July 19. The two-day festival at Centennial Park featured local artists and live music.

Lee Navin/Special To The Register

The June Bugs perform during the Waukee Arts Festival on Saturday, July 20. The two-day festival at Centennial Park featured local artists and live music.

Lee Navin/Special To The Register

Musical artist Bonne Finken sings during the Waukee Arts Festival on Friday, July 19. The two-day festival at Centennial Park featured local artists and live music.

Lee Navin/Special To The Register

The Not Quite Brothers band performs at the Waukee Arts Festival on Friday, July 19. The two-day festival at Centennial Park featured local artists and live music.

Lee Navin/Special To The Register

The Not Quite Brothers band performs classic rock at the Waukee Arts Festival on Friday, July 19. The two-day festival at Centennial Park featured local artists and live music.

Lee Navin/Special To The Register

The Pork Tornadoes perform during the Waukee Arts Festival on Saturday, July 20. The two-day festival at Centennial Park featured local artists and live music.

Lee Navin/Special To The Register

The Pork Tornadoes perform during the Waukee Arts Festival on Saturday, July 20. The two-day festival at Centennial Park featured local artists and live music.

Lee Navin/Special To The Register

The Pork Tornadoes perform during the Waukee Arts Festival on Saturday, July 20. The two-day festival at Centennial Park featured local artists and live music.

Lee Navin/Special To The Register

The Not Quite Brothers band performs classic rock at the Waukee Arts Festival on Friday, July 19. The two-day festival at Centennial Park featured local artists and live music.

Lee Navin/Special To The Register

Musical artist Bonne Finken sings during the Waukee Arts Festival on Friday, July 19. The two-day festival at Centennial Park featured local artists and live music.

Lee Navin/Special To The Register

The Not Quite Brothers band performs classic rock at the Waukee Arts Festival on Friday, July 19. The two-day festival at Centennial Park featured local artists and live music.

Lee Navin/Special To The Register

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