Gallery Review Europe Blog Artists Artist of the Week: Danni Johnson

Artist of the Week: Danni Johnson

Danni Johnson is a 20-year-old musician based in Olympia, Washington.

Seattle Refined: How long have you been writing/performing?
Johnson: Since I was 11, which is nine years now.

Tell us about the artistic process and the different stages that work into it.
More often now, I write with a partner who is immensely talented at the piano. He makes up a tune on the keys, and from there, we work out a melody. That typically means us sitting at the piano singing “bada-badas” and “woah-oh-ohs” for about 20 minutes.

Once we’ve settled on something solid, we often like to discuss a story and what the music makes us feel.

From there, we write out our lyrics.

Less often, as a duo, we write from our own experiences. However, as a solo act, almost all my music comes from my heart and what I’m facing in life. This scenario is me alone, locked in a room, with a few chords and a phone to record myself.

Where does your inspiration come from? What artists have influenced you?
Taylor Swift is a more commonly known one to name. My sister has been the biggest fan of hers since I can remember. Which means I spent most of my days listening to her albums on repeat. I think the way I [tell stories] in my music reflects a lot of the ways that Taylor does as well.

However, probably my biggest inspiration up to date is an artist called L Devine. I discovered her at 13 with a song called “Like You Like That” and her later single “Nervous.” This has completely shaped the kind of artist I am and the type of music I want to make.

As I’m writing this, it’s my birthday. It’s also the day I release my third single, “don’t be lyin.” This song is like an ode to my 8th-grade self who dreamed of making pop in that way, and here we are. I did it, and I will get to do it for however long I am able.

What kind of genre is your music? What kinds of things do you write about?
I definitely produce my music in all corners of pop. I don’t really think I have a specific box or subcategory of music I sink into. I do whatever feels right for the song and give it my signature sparkle.

This may be cliche, but I love love. And I love writing about love. Whether it’s something I experience or a feeling I dream of experiencing.

Or sometimes I make up a story or scenario in my head and play a character while Im writing. I like to put myself in the shoes of someone else and what they might feel.

Do you have one song that means more to you or is extremely special to you?
I’d probably say my first single, “Dear to You.” It came from a very difficult point in my life, and writing that song was the complete turning point in my growth as a songwriter. A year later, I met my now producer and I pitched him that song. We both really fell in love with it and it was the best song to start off my professional career. Everything was so new to me, recording and releasing that song. And what at the time felt like the end of my life (high schoolers are dramatic, lol) became the beginning of a new, beautiful version of myself.

What experiences in your life have shaped your music?
In middle school, I applied to a performing arts school, and shockingly, I was accepted on a raffle. Had that not taken place, I’m not even sure I would be here today doing music the way I am. It inspired me to take vocal lessons and that’s when I learned how much I loved to perform and sing. Eventually, I started to dabble in my own songwriting, and now I am at a place in my life where I can share that with other people, too.

If we want to hear more of your work, where should we go to find it? What about upcoming shows?
You can find my music on all streaming platforms! My artist name is “dannirose.”

In honor of an upcoming EP I have in the works, I’ll be doing a full band live show performance at The Juice Box in Centralia on April 13 with a few incredibly talented opening acts. The show runs from about 7 to 10 p.m., but follow me on Instagram @dannirosej for updates and more information. Tickets range from $7-12, and there will be drinks and food to order inside.

If you enjoy the performances, there will be plenty of merch to buy if you’re a collector.

What is next for you? Anything you’re working on right now that you’re really excited about?
Like I said, I’m nearing the end of a nine-month project. It’s a five-piece EP called “NERVOUS.” The first single, “don’t be lyin” is out now, so go give it a listen! I plan on doing more performances after this, so definitely stay tuned and follow to keep up to date with the next few releases.

Following this venture, will be a series of releases with a partner I have in music, as well as an album plan in the works.

Lastly, how do you take your coffee? We ask everyone!
Fun fact about me: I do not drink caffeine! I’ve barely ever had coffee in my life, and never when I was tired, and I’ve never had an energy drink before, either. I primarily only drink water, with the occasional glass of orange juice.

About ‘Artist of the Week’: This city is packed with artists we love to feature weekly on Seattle Refined! If you have a local artist in mind that you would like to see featured, let us know at And if you’re wondering just what constitutes art, that’s the beauty of it; it’s up to you! See all of our past Artists of the Week in our dedicated section.

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