Gallery Review Europe Blog Artists Prescott Valley Utility Box Murals, Open Call to Artists!

Prescott Valley Utility Box Murals, Open Call to Artists!

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Prescott Valley Parks & Recreation is teaming up with APS to bring utility box murals to Prescott Valley!

Artists, murals, open call, Prescott Valley, art, culture, public space, painting, Parks and Recreation

If you are an artist with a mural concept that showcases vibrant art and local culture in our public spaces, then submit your design(s) today!

Submissions Accepted: July 1-Aug 31

Designs Selected: Sept 17

Mural Painting: Oct 1-Oct 30 *painting must be completed by Oct 30th.

*Submitting your design(s) does not guarantee that your design(s) will be accepted. Up to five (5) artists’ designs will be selected, and those artists will receive $500 to complete the painted murals during October. Selected artists will receive an official “Notice to Proceed.”

To submit your design(s), go to the Parks and Recreation Activity Catalog:

To learn more about this or other Parks and Recreation programs and events, please contact the Parks and Recreation office at 928-759-3090 or reach out to

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